Select the number of words that appear in the puzzle so you can filter. 1 Word 2 Words 3 Words 4 Words 5 Words 6 Words 7 Words 8 Words 9 Words 10 Words. Find phrases to help solve Wheel of Fortune and Lucky Wheel for Friends! Cheat your way to greatness! Fictional Characters. Be have no fear, the Wheel of Fortune puzzle answers are here and ready for you to consult. 1, Song Lyrics, ONCE TWICE, THREE TIMES A, LADY. 3: Get The Word Out: 4: 3: Get To The Point: 4: 3: Get Your Act Together: 4: 3: Get Your Game On: 4: 3: Get Your Groove On: 4: 3: Get Your Head Out Of The Clouds: 7: 3: Getting A Fair Shake: 4: 7: Getting A Pie In The Face: 6: 7: Getting An Earful: 3: 7: Getting Away From It All: 5: 7: Getting Better All The Time: 5: 7: Getting Carried Away: 3: 7: Getting Cold Feet: . · How to Use This Wheel of Fortune Cheat Answers. 1. Please select the proper wheel categories for the phrase. 2. Put in the letters that you have into the filter box. Place a space between any letters that are "NOT" connected. For example, " A CD " will filter any phrases that contain an A and a "CD". 3. Find all Fictional Character answers to your Wheel of Fortune (mobile app) puzzles! Use category filters (like number of words, number of letters in each word and letters shown) and will see all possible results from which you can further filter and find your answer.