Reset your password by requesting an email from the password reset form. Try entering both your username and email address, and be sure to check for the reset. Unexpected Tweets by your account · Unintended Direct Messages sent from your account · Other account behaviours you didn't make or approve — like. If you're still unable to regain access to your compromised account, you should report directly to Twitter Support and select Hacked Account option. The support. Verified accounts on Twitter were recently hacked as a part of a bitcoin-giveaway scam. The company is currently investigating the incident and frozen activity Log In. If you think you've been hacked and you're unable to log in with your username and password, please take the following two steps: 1. Request a password reset. Reset your password by requesting an email from the password reset form. Try entering both your username and email address, and be sure to check for the reset email at the address associated with your Twitter account. · There are a usually a few signs to indicate if your Twitter account has been hacked. The most obvious sign is that you've been locked out of your Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins.